This digital exhibition shows historical postcards that partly exoticize, racialize and sexualize groups of people.
sexualize, are shown. The aim of the exhibition is to reflect on traditional stereotypes and their historical genesis in mass media.
mass media.
Postcards became a central mass medium at the end of the 19th century. Stereotypical depictions of people or groups of people, such as Hutsuls or Lithuanian women, who were presented primarily through their ethnicity, played an important role. This digital exhibition shows historical postcards, some of which exoticize, racialize and sexualize groups of people. The aim of the exhibition is to reflect on traditional stereotyping and its historical genesis in mass media. This exhibition is explicitly addressed to an audience that may not be familiar with all the technical terms used in research on nationalism and ethnicity in everyday life. It thus attempts to present the in-depth research in a few words and clear language, for further use in schools or adult education.
The basis for the digital exhibition is the anthology “Völker verkaufen. Politik und Ökonomie der Postkartenproduktion im östlichen Europa um 1900”, ed. by Vincent Hoyer and Maren Röger, Dresden, Sandstein 2023.
The exhibition was coordinated by Vincent Hoyer, M.A. with the collaboration of Anne Mühlich, M.A., Hanna Nitsch and Lena Voß.
Organizer: GWZO