Global developments, crises, and conflicts usually occur initially in local and regional areas, or are mirrored or delayed there. This is why the academic journal “Spiegelungen” (“Reflections”) of the Institute for German Culture and History of Southeastern Europe (IKGS) directs its attention towards the East: In the history of the Danube-Carpathian region one can find remarkable models of coexistence in a context of major cultural and linguistic diversity. Analyzing, investigating, and reflecting on these issues can also encourage and aid us in answering questions about our own identity.
The academic journal “Spiegelungen” (Reflections) is published on behalf of the IKGS and appears biannually. Thematically, the journal deals with the history and the cultural life of Germans in East Central and Southern East Europe in their diverse political, social, and cultural contexts through academic, literary, feuilletonistic, and documentary articles. Interdependencies between various ethnic, confessional, and linguistic groups are subjects of particular interest.
“Spiegelungen”, which has used a double-blind peer review process for its articles since issue 1/2016, dedicates each issue to a new thematic focus. The publication and contextualization of new literary works by authors who stem from the Danube-Carpathian region and/or deal with this region and its cultures through literary means represents a special focus of the journal.
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