Things worth knowing from the world of Silesia: Interesting information about exciting places and dedicated individuals, as well as exhibitions, excursions, publications, festivals, tourist attractions, scientific conferences, workshops and other projects in Germany and Poland that deal with different facets of Silesian culture, past and present. This is offered by the Cultural Offices for Silesia.
SILESIA News is an information blog put out by the Cultural Office for 
deu. Schlesien, ces. Slezsko, pol. Śląsk

Silesia (Polish: Śląsk, Czech: Slezsko) is a historical landscape, which today is mainly located in the extreme southwest of Poland, but in parts also on the territory of Germany and the Czech Republic. By far the most significant river is the Oder. To the south, Silesia is bordered mainly by the Sudeten and Beskid mountain ranges. Today, almost 8 million people live in Silesia. The largest cities in the region are Wrocław, Opole and Katowice. Before 1945, most of the region was part of Prussia for two hundred years, and before the Silesian Wars (from 1740) it was part of the Habsburg Empire for almost as many years. Silesia is classified into Upper and Lower Silesia.

 at the Silesian Museum in Görlitz (Agnieszka Bormann) and the Cultural Office for 
Upper Silesia
deu. Oberschlesien, pol. Górny Śląsk

Upper Silesia (Polish Górny Śląsk, Czech Horní Slezsko) is the southeastern part of Silesia in modern Poland and the Czech Republic. The area lies on the Odra River and a part of the eastern Sudeten Mountains. Opole (Polish: Oppeln) is regarded as the historical capital of Upper Silesia.

 at the Upper Silesian Museum in Ratingen-Hösel (Dr. David Skrabania). The blog is aimed at German-speaking people interested in Silesia and all those who would like to learn more about the region, which was formerly German and is now mostly Polish, with a small area in the Czech Republic. Here you will find regularly updated, interesting and important information about this neighboring land, a unique cultural landscape in the heart of Europe. Explore Silesia’s eventful history and exciting present, learn about its people and places, architecture and art, literature and culture, tourist attractions and scientific projects. 
Each day, new articles are published on the blog. The authors, who work alongside the cultural advisors, are experienced journalists, book authors, travel guides and freelance writers from Upper and 
Lower Silesia
deu. Niederschlesien, pol. Dolny Śląsk

Lower Silesia is a part of the region of Silesia, located in today's Poland, Germany and the Czech Republic. The historical capital of Lower Silesia is Wroclaw. The region is located on the Odra River and forms the northwestern part of Silesia.

. Equipped with historical knowledge as well as knowledge of current events and developments, contributors are acutely aware and sensitive to questions around the Polish and Czech handling of Silesia’s German cultural heritage. The focus of the texts is therefore less on current political events and more on news concerning the “present German past” of the region. 
In addition to the blog, a newsletter is also available, which is compiled quarterly from selected contributions of particular relevance and sent to subscribers. You can sign up to become a subscriber at any time by clicking on