The Centre for East-Central and Southeastern Europe in the Museum for European Cultures is devoted to addressing a wide variety of inquiries into the cultures of eastern Europe, with the objective of drawing the attention of the western public to this part of Europe.
The Coordination of East Central and South Eastern Europe has been affiliated to the Museum of European Cultures since 2004. It is dedicated to a wide range of cultural studies issues in Eastern, South-Eastern and Central Europe. One of its aims is to draw the attention of the Western public to this part of Europe. The cross-border research and exhibition projects are also intended to expand and support existing networks of cultural institutions and NGOs.
As a source of inspiration and mediator, the coordination takes up current socio-political issues in this region for a multi-perspective and transnational dialog. Together with local partners, it conducts research and develops innovative traveling exhibition formats: flexible and open to expansion, sustainable, mobile, multilingual and suitable for communication in non-museum and public spaces.