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East Prussia
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Document repository
Electronic Reading Room (eL) of the Martin Opitz Library
Would you like to browse selected holdings of the Martin Opitz Library from your own PC? In the MOB's electronic reading room, you will find thousands of digitized documents – from historical address books to monographs, journals and much more.
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Infrastructure project | Exhibition project
Erweiterung um eine Abteilung „Immanuel Kant, Königsberg und die deutsche Aufklärung" ("Creating a New Department: 'Immanuel Kant, Königsberg and the German Enlightenment'")
In 2024, the 300th birthday of the most important philosopher of modern times, Immanuel Kant, will be commemorated worldwide. Kant, who came from Königsberg and never left East Prussia, is to receive permanent museum recognition for the first time in Germany with the creation of a special...
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Eva Anna Therese Puschke
As far back as the 19th century, the Puschke family worked as teachers in Steinort and in the neighboring church village of Rosengarten. They played an important role in village life and had close ties to the noble Lehndorff family. The last teacher of the dynasty was Eva Puschke, a "lay teacher" in Rosengarten from 1940 to 1944. After the Germans were expelled, she lived in Hamburg. She left behind a suitcase full of family documents.
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Authors Reading
Exquisite East Prussia
“Erlesenes Ostpreußen” (Exquisite East Prussia) is the name of the new video series by the Cultural Advisor for East Prussia and the Baltic States. The videos present literature from and about East Prussia und will be made available on the Youtube channel of the East Prussian State Museum.
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Research institute
Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe
The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) advises and supports the Federal Government in all matters concerning the research, presentation and development of German culture and history in Eastern Europe.
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series of lectures
Female German-speaking artists from in and around Eastern Europe
This series organised by the Cultural Advisor for Transylvania informs about remarkable artistic accomplishments by women from Eastern Europe and brings their innovative work more into the public eye. Many of these artists found a new home in Germany in the course of the 20th century. Through their...
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project funding
General project funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in accordance with Section 96 of the Federal Expellees Act
You would like to contribute to the research, preservation or communication of the German cultural heritage in Eastern Europe? The BKM supports, among other things, research projects, conferences, publications, theater, film and exhibition productions. It also supports projects to promote cultural...
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Herder Fellowship for doctoral candidates and postdocs
A scholarship for intensive source research in the scientific collections of the Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Central Europe, an institute of the Leibniz Association.
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Research fellowship | Support of conferences
Herder Fellowship for experts in historical research on East Central Europe
A research fellowship for proven experts who can carry out their research project for up to three months directly at the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern Central Europe in Marburg.
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Scientific infrastructure facility | Research institute
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
The Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI) is one of the central non-university infrastructure and research institutions for historical research on East Central Europe in Germany.
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Holdings and collections of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The scientific library of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation includes German and foreign language books, newspapers and magazines as well as digital media on the topic of forced migrations in the 20th and 21st centuries in Europe. In addition to a contemporary...
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Image database
Image catalogue of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association
In the online database of the Image Archive you will find the previously inventoried and digitized image materials from the collections of the Herder Institute as well as additional image sources from joint indexing and digitization projects with cooperation partners. Further analog and digital...
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Immanuel Kant Scholarship
The fellowship is aimed at doctoral students working on transnational and transcultural references or interconnections in Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, with a special focus on the German-speaking population.
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Digitalization project
Indexing the archival records of four East Prussian county and town communities
The cataloguing of archive material is, needless to say, one of the most important tasks of any archive. Since the Cultural Center of East Prussia, in addition to many other valuables, also holds the archives of the Homeland Association of East Prussia, a new home was naturally offered to the...
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Kulturkorrespondenz östliches Europa (Cultural correspondence Eastern Europe)
From conversations with prominent cookbook authors to reports about Bohemian vineyards to historical articles, for example, on the tourism pioneer Carl Stangen, a kind of German Thomas Cook from Wroclaw – Kulturkorrespondenz östliches Europa (KK) offers insightful background material and a great...
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Library | Archive
Martin Opitz Library
The Martin Opitz Library (MOB) is the central library for German culture and history in Eastern Europe. It collects literature from all areas of East-Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The main focus of the collections is on the regions that today form western Poland and the Kaliningrad...
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Background article
Max Sering and Max Weber
The age of imperialism unleashed a new way of thinking about the Prussian Eastern Provinces and their inhabitants in the German Empire, based on colonial patterns. Among other intellectuals, Max Weber also propagated a colonial image of Poles in both culturalist and racist categories.
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Museum erleben (experience the museum!)
Museum erleben (experience the museum!) is a series of events that invites you to discover the East Prussian State Museum with its German-Baltic Department in a special way.
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Research institute
The research of the Nordost-Institut centers around the history and culture of the countries from Poland to Russia. The focus is on the manifold interconnections of these regions with German history. Therefore, questions of relationship and regional history are pursued as well as aspects of minority...
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Library holdings
Northeast Library
The Northeast Library is a specialized scientific library that deals with the regional history of northern East Central Europe and the history of the Russian Germans. The total holdings comprise approximately 170,000 media units. It forms part of the library network of the University of Hamburg.
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