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Digitalization project
Digital Danube Swabian Image Archive
The Danube Swabian Central Museum researches, digitizes and publishes over 1,000 historical photographs from its collection.
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Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e. V. (DiFMOE) has been dedicated to researching and digitally indexing historical sources from Eastern Europe and operates a digital, freely accessible online library for their publication.
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Digital Library of the Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e.V. (DiFMOE) has been operating a digital, freely accessible specialized library with historical documents on Eastern Europe since 2008. In the middle of 2023, its holdings of periodicals included 254 titles, encompassing newspapers, magazines and annual...
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Documentation center
Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The Documentation Center offers exhibitions, a library and a testimony archive, tours, workshops and events. The Center provides information about the causes, dimensions and consequences of displacement, expulsion and forced migration in the past and present. Particular focus is on the displacement...
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Documentation of the home collections in Germany
The Federal Republic of Germany is home to several hundred centers of local history or “Heimatsammlungen” (homeland collections), which were founded after the end of the Second World War by refugees, displaced persons and ethnic German repatriates. The documentation of the Federal Institute for...
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Digital edition
Documents and Materials relating to East Central Europe
Digital sources relating to the history of East Central Europe in open access. The online edition of "Documents and Materials on the History of East Central Europe" of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe presents materials and sources on selected topics related to the...
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Oral history project | Film project
Donauschwäbische Zeitzeugen erzählen ("Danube Swabian eyewitnesses tell their stories")
Multiethnic coexistence, war and loss are formative experiences that affect a whole generation of people and can have a lasting impact on their children and grandchildren. The four-part film series "Donauschwäbische Zeitzeugen erzählen" ("Danube Swabian eyewitnesses tell their stories") gives...
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Object story
Down the Danube in the Ulm Box
A flat-bottomed wooden boat with a hut on top, sides painted in black and white stripes, and two very long oars at the front and back – that's an "Ulmer Schachtel" (Ulm box). This vessel, which seems curious today, was once an important means of transport on the Danube.
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series of seminars
Educational partnership between the Martin Opitz Library and Mulvany Vocational College in Herne
The Martin Opitz Library teaches media competence. Both successful information research and a critical approach to media are becoming increasingly important, whether at school, university, work or in private life. In order to impart these skills successfully and practically, the MOB cooperates...
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Document repository
Electronic Reading Room (eL) of the Martin Opitz Library
Would you like to browse selected holdings of the Martin Opitz Library from your own PC? In the MOB's electronic reading room, you will find thousands of digitized documents – from historical address books to monographs, journals and much more.
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International cooperation
European Network Remembrance and Solidarity
The European Network Remembrance and Solidarity (ENRS) is an international initiative whose aim is to research, document and disseminate knowledge about Europe’s 20th-century history and ways in which it is commemorated. ENRS promotes dialogue about the European culture of remembrance with a...
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Halbjahresschrift für Geschichte und Zeitgeschehen in Zentral- und Südosteuropa (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”)
Now with a new publisher, the "Halbjahresschrift" (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”, HJS) is back! But its purpose remains the same: The systematic and academic examination of authoritarian regimes in Central and South East Europe and their...
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Heavy Fabric
Eye-catching colors on a gold background next to jet-black bridal wear: Danube Swabian Costumers give surprising insights into the former lives of women and girls. Their world was narrow, since lives – particularly female ones - were regulated by fixed village and church rules. But it was also...
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Herder Fellowship for doctoral candidates and postdocs
A scholarship for intensive source research in the scientific collections of the Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Central Europe, an institute of the Leibniz Association.
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Research fellowship | Support of conferences
Herder Fellowship for experts in historical research on East Central Europe
A research fellowship for proven experts who can carry out their research project for up to three months directly at the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern Central Europe in Marburg.
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Scientific infrastructure facility | Research institute
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
The Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI) is one of the central non-university infrastructure and research institutions for historical research on East Central Europe in Germany.
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Holdings and collections of the Danube Swabian Museum
From a refugee’s suitcase to a popcorn maker, from the jacket of a forced laborer to a perennial Christmas tree: the holdings of the Danube Swabian Museum convey Danube-Swabian culture and history in a multifarious and eclectic way. An unexpected and special feature of the collection is that many...
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Holdings and collections of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The scientific library of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation includes German and foreign language books, newspapers and magazines as well as digital media on the topic of forced migrations in the 20th and 21st centuries in Europe. In addition to a contemporary...
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Object story
Home in a trunk of clothes - the Garlik family's traditional costume suitcase
This suitcase has traveled far – not, as one might expect, after the Second World War, but rather in the decades after the flight of the Nessner family. It was used to transport the traditional costumes of a Danube Swabian dance troupe from Baden-Württemberg as they toured to enclaves of Danube Swabians scattered around the world.
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Background article
Hungarian – Communist – Jew?
This article sheds light on some facets of the life of the philosopher Ernő Gáll, who as a Jew, a communist, and a Hungarian was both politically persecuted and a perpetrator. A committed intellectual, he acted as a mediator between different political factions and hostile ethnic groups throughout his life. In doing so, he developed an ethic of dignity and responsibility and coined the phrase "the dignity of individual character," which also has relevance for today's debates around the issue of identity.
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