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project funding
"Polyphonic Memory – Common Heritage – European Future: Culture and History of the Germans and their Neighbors in Eastern Europe" by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media (2022)
Would you like to organize projects that involve cross-border encounters or a summer school related to German cultural heritage in Eastern Europe? With a special funding program, the BKM supports innovative formats that have particular appeal for younger people.
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"Skoro damoi!" Hope and despair
Starting in January 1945, large numbers of Transylvanian Saxons were deported to the Soviet Union to do forced labor. The exhibition showcases personal objects, photographs and documents that shed light on this central chapter of the recent history of Transylvanian Saxons.
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Object story
A Doctor and his Military Case
In March 2015, a military case from the First World War was donated to the Transylvanian Museum. It accompanied Dr. Wilhelm Hager during World War I to the southern front – to Bosnia and the Isonzo, and then to the eastern front, to Galicia, Bukovina, Bessarabia and, finally, in 1918 to South Tyrol. Also as a Romanian citizen after 1918, Dr. Hager once again had to fight, this time on the side of the Romanian army. In 1919-1920 he took part in the campaign on the Tisza River as a medical officer of the reserve (medic cǎpitan).
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Object story
A Transylvanian church fur from South Africa
Among the numerous pieces of traditional costume at the Transylvanian Museum in Gundelsheim is one whose change of ownership and the resulting journey render it a fitting symbol of the collective fate of entire families, indeed entire Saxon village communities from northern Transylvania in the 20th century.
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project funding
Academic Funding Program of the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media
Would you like to expand existing knowledge about German culture and history in Eastern Europe through new research findings and present your work in a university teaching context? Within the framework of its Academic Support Program, the BKM promotes scientific research projects ("Projects" module)...
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Conference project
Between Mourning and Triumph. The Year 1918 in European Literature
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Library holdings
Collection of the Martin Opitz Library
The Martin Opitz Library is the central library for German culture and history in Eastern Europe. It collects literature from all areas of East-Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The main focus of the collections is on the regions that today form western Poland and the Kaliningrad region –...
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Library holdings | Archive
Collections and holdings of the Institute for German Culture and History in Southeastern Europe (IKGS)
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Cultural office
Cultural Office for Transylvania, Bessarabia, Bukovina, Dobruja, Maramureș, Vltava, Wallachia at the Transylvanian Museum
The Cultural Office for Transylvania fulfills its duties according to § 96 BVFG (Federal Law on Refugees and Exiles), which obliges the federal and state governments to care for the cultural assets of expellees and refugees, to support and promote scientific research, and to preserve German...
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Research project
Das Südostdeutsche Kulturwerk (SOKW) in München (“The Southeast German Cultural Society [SOKW] in Munich”)
How does an institute deal with its 70th anniversary when, from today's point of view, its founding involved a number of problematic aspects? This is the question that the Institute for German Culture and History in South-eastern Europe (IKGS) is currently grappling with. In this research project,...
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Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e. V. (DiFMOE) has been dedicated to researching and digitally indexing historical sources from Eastern Europe and operates a digital, freely accessible online library for their publication.
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Digital Library of the Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e.V. (DiFMOE) has been operating a digital, freely accessible specialized library with historical documents on Eastern Europe since 2008. In the middle of 2023, its holdings of periodicals included 254 titles, encompassing newspapers, magazines and annual...
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Documentation center
Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The Documentation Center offers exhibitions, a library and a testimony archive, tours, workshops and events. The Center provides information about the causes, dimensions and consequences of displacement, expulsion and forced migration in the past and present. Particular focus is on the displacement...
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series of seminars
Educational partnership between the Martin Opitz Library and Mulvany Vocational College in Herne
The Martin Opitz Library teaches media competence. Both successful information research and a critical approach to media are becoming increasingly important, whether at school, university, work or in private life. In order to impart these skills successfully and practically, the MOB cooperates...
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Museum tour
Educational programs
Did you know that very special friendship bracelets were given as gifts in Transylvania over a hundred years ago? You can learn this and much more at the Transylvanian Museum, which offers educational programs for specific target groups.
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Document repository
Electronic Reading Room (eL) of the Martin Opitz Library
Would you like to browse selected holdings of the Martin Opitz Library from your own PC? In the MOB's electronic reading room, you will find thousands of digitized documents – from historical address books to monographs, journals and much more.
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Research institute
Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe
The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) advises and supports the Federal Government in all matters concerning the research, presentation and development of German culture and history in Eastern Europe.
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series of lectures
Female German-speaking artists from in and around Eastern Europe
This series organised by the Cultural Advisor for Transylvania informs about remarkable artistic accomplishments by women from Eastern Europe and brings their innovative work more into the public eye. Many of these artists found a new home in Germany in the course of the 20th century. Through their...
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Editing project
Gedichte und Briefe aus der Verbannung (“Poems and Letters from Exile”)
In this edition project, all the poems Wolf von Aichelburg wrote in exile will be collected, along with precise details of how they were recorded and passed down, and accompanied, where appropriate, by the author's own statements or other contextualizing information.
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project funding
General project funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in accordance with Section 96 of the Federal Expellees Act
You would like to contribute to the research, preservation or communication of the German cultural heritage in Eastern Europe? The BKM supports, among other things, research projects, conferences, publications, theater, film and exhibition productions. It also supports projects to promote cultural...
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