We welcome cooperation requests and contributions on both current and future topics.
Contributions are welcome!
Organizations that would like to present their activities in the portal should contact Dr. Antje Johanning-Radžienė (antje.johanning@herder-institut.de).
Below, authors will find some general editorial guidelines for writing texts for Copernico. Please contact us first (Dr. Antje Johanning-Radžienė, antje.johanning@herder-institut.de) before sending us your text.
Editorial guidelines
- Please send us your text (docx, odt or rtf), images (jpg, tiff and captions with source and license information), keywords (subject headings, people, geographical terms, subject areas (form headings), time periods), information about the author, if possible with a portrait photo (at least 900 px in height in portrait format or in width in landscape format).
- Images: at least one of them as a central teaser and mood image at a minimum of 2,400 px in height in portrait format or in width in landscape format.
- Longer contributions of 10,000 characters or more are published in parallel on the Herder Institute's publication server and assigned a DOI.
- Contributions can be written in German or English and are published in both languages.
- The maximum length of a text is 12,000 characters. We reserve the right to shorten longer texts.
- Each text should start with a title, an explanatory subtitle and a teaser (max. 250 characters) and be structured according to subheadings.
- Language: Use simple, clear, concise and direct language, use active verbs, avoid filler words, repetition and scientific jargon; if necessary, explain foreign and technical words.
- Gender-appropriate language: Copernico always uses a colon to show gendered variants of terms. However, in the thematic magazine we leave decisions around gender-sensitive wording up to our authors.
- Footnotes and references: Use footnotes sparingly and avoid extensive and overly technical referencing or parallel discourses. References should be used if necessary and useful.