The Copernico portal editorial office is located at the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe in Marburg.
The portal is operated by the Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association in Marburg.
Write to us:
Project leaders
- Prof. Dr. Peter Haslinger (V.i.S.d.P.)
- Dr. Simon Donig
- PD Dr. Heidi Hein-Kircher
- Dr. Antje Johanning-Radžienė (Portal coordination)
- Felix Köther M.A.
- Michèle Kraft
- Felix Köther M.A.
Social Media
- Michèle Kraft
Database maintenance
- Sören Kühne
- Stefan Trajković-Filipović M.A.
- Coady Buckley
- Gwen Clayton CL, FCIL, FITI (
- William Connor M.A. (Lifeswap)
- Dr. Andrew Godfrey MITI (
- Lucy Pembayun MITI (
- Dr. Kate Sotejeff-Wilson MITI (
- Sarah Swift BDÜ (
Former staff
- Barbara Fichtl M.A. (project lead, until 12/2021)
- Xenia Fink B.A. (database maintenance, until 02/2021)
- Jana Gleich M.A. (specialist editor, until 05/2021)
- Alexander Golla (intern, until 10/2020)
- Philipp Horstmeier M.A. (Thesaurus, until 03/2022)
- Dr. Dr. h.c. Norbert Kersken (specialist editor, until 03/2021)
- Patrick P. Kopec M.Sc. (until 06/2021, database maintenance, geographic norm and metadata)
- Stefan Lange M.A. (UX, until 12/2019)
- Veit Lorenz B.A. (until 06/2021, database maintenance)
- Matthias Solka M.A. (social media and editorial work, until 03/2023)
- Henrik Vollbracht (social media, until 06/2021)
- Hilke Wagner M.A. (social media and database maintenance, until 09/2022)
- Sebastian Weiß B.A. (until 06/2021, geographic norm and metadata)
- Melina Werneburg M.A. (until 09/2021, database maintenance)
Databases and data provision
digiCULT Verbund eG, Kiel
Frontend development and Webdesign