Copernico brings history to life!
Organizations from the field of science and who work with communication and education around cultural heritage have joined to present information about the common history and the shared cultural heritage in Eastern Europe in a way that is both attractive and scientifically sound. The aim of the Copernico portal is to make scientific research more visible and to open up new ways of preserving and presenting cultural heritage in the public eye.
The portal offers two entry points:
Under Research, you have the opportunity to learn about the portal’s various partners and get an overview of their collections and holdings, exhibitions, projects, publications, online resources, and funding programs.
In the Topics section, you can find information on a variety of topics related to the history of Eastern Europe and its connections to German history. Here you will find background articles, biographical works, annotated sources and interviews as well as multimedia content such as web documentaries, videos and podcasts.
Copernico has been made with funding from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.