What connects contemporary German television actors with Czech literature? A lot!
Well-known actors and actresses read excerpts from works by Czech authors they have chosen themselves. The YouTube series features Thomas Birnstiel reading poems by Vladimír Holán and Rainer Maria Rilke, Andrea Wildner reading a story by Joseph Roth, and Susanne Schroeder reading an excerpt from Otfried Preußler's eerie novel "Krabat". Dietrich Mattausch interprets Jan Skácel's poems and Michael Vogtmann presents Jaroslav Hašek's "Schwejk". Of course, in addition to Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach, Adalbert Stifter is also not to be missed: Helmut Becker reads from the "study" narrative "Der Hochwald" and Heiko Ruprecht has selected from the collection "Bunte Steine" the tale of the charitable priest entitled "Kalkstein".
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