The depiction of literature in German from the Danube-Carpathian region – or literature that addresses this cosmos thematically – has for many years been of special interest in the “Spiegelungen”. This is because these works often pre-empt scientific analysis, challenge and question things, or stand as linguistic testimonies of a certain period of time, a certain everyday world or even an era of art. The Spiegelungen Literature Prizes serve to promote these works of literature.
The first Spiegelungen Literature Prize for poetry was announced for the year 2017. The second call for entries raised awareness of the worlds and cultures that the poet Paul Celan made accessible through his work and marked the occasion of his 100th birthday and the 50th anniversary of his death. With the slogan “Mikrolithen: Jenseits von Celan” (“Microliths: Beyond Celan”), the 2020 Spiegelungen Prize for Minimalist Prose explored this resonant space across borders, languages and time in a literary form where prose and poetry meet.