Transnistria and the Ukrainian-Moldavian border region have always been part of different empires over the centuries. The political border divides the region, but the issues that move the people there connect them: labour migration, the minority situation, languages and identities, everyday life on the border, memories of the old times, and the young generation's view of the future. The tri-national project "Media Beyond Frontiers" takes a closer look at the region's eventful history and the present day.
“Media Beyond Frontiers” is a media project that enables journalistic training and exchange across borders. 19 young journalists from Germany, 
ukr. Ukrajina, deu. Ukraine

Ukraine is a country in eastern Europe inhabited by about 42 million people. Kiev is the capital and also the greatest city of Ukraine. The country has been independent since 1991. The Dnieper River is the longest river in Ukraine.

ron. Republica Moldova, deu. Moldawien, deu. Moldau

Moldova, also known as the Republic of Moldova, is a landlocked country located in South-Eastern Europe. The country borders Ukraine and Romania. Moldova is home to nearly 3.5 million people, most of whom speak Romanian, Russian, and Ukrainian. The largest river in the country is the Prut.

 met with media experts in 
ron. Cernăuţi, deu. Czernowitz, heb. צֶ׳רנוֹבִיץ, heb. Tschernowitz, yid. טשערנאָװיץ, yid. Tschernowitz, rus. Черновцы, rus. Tschernowzy, ukr. Чернівці, deu. Tschernowitz

Chernivtsi (Ukra. Чернівці) is a large city in southwestern Ukraine. The city is located on the border with Romania and is widely considered to be the capital of the historic Bukovina region. Chernivtsi was an significant place of Jewish culture. In 2017 Chernivtsi had about 62,000 inhabitants.

Due to the war in Ukraine, it is possible that this information is no longer up to date.

rus. Бельцы, rus. Belzy, yid. Belz, deu. Belz

Bălți (German: Belz, Russian: Бельцы) is the second largest city in the Republic of Moldova with about 100,000 residents. The city is located about 130 km north of Chișinău in the Bălți Steppe along the Răut River.

. There they explored, researched and discussed both the Ukrainian-Moldovan border region and how media has changed and continues to change in their countries. The result was a series of reports, features and interviews, which were published in a German-language collective magazine as well as in German, Ukrainian and Moldovan media.
The aim of the project was to promote civil society structures of cooperation between two countries of the Eastern Partnership and Germany. This involved the recognition of free media as an important component of a democratically consolidated society, promoting networking opportunities between young people working in the area of "opinion-formation", and providing impulses for further cross-border media projects. The aim was to promote transnational and intraregional exchange in the border region between Ukraine and Moldova, which has a lot in common historically and culturally, but currently has few communication channels.

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