What was the significance of family connections for Latvians and Baltic Germans in the 19th and 20th centuries? The research project examines how family members interacted with each other and which networks developed in the process.
"Family" is also and especially shaped by its members, who in turn interact with each other on different levels of relationships. These relationships are to be determined using the example of single persons and analyzed from the point of view of network developments. The focus will be on intergenerational relationships between single older (aunt/uncle) and younger family members (niece/nephew) between the mid-19th century and World War II.
Autobiographical writings by Latvian and Baltic German authors serve as sources. Contemporary press testimonies are used as a supplement to embed them in the contemporary horizon of expectations. The methodological approach is based on the results of autobiographical and discourse research.
Autobiographical writings by Latvian and Baltic German authors serve as sources. Contemporary press testimonies are used as a supplement to embed them in the contemporary horizon of expectations. The methodological approach is based on the results of autobiographical and discourse research.
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