Now with a new publisher, the "Halbjahresschrift" (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”, HJS) is back! But its purpose remains the same: The systematic and academic examination of authoritarian regimes in Central and South East Europe and their entanglements with the region's German population.
The “Halbjahresschrift für Geschichte und Zeitgeschehen in Zentral- und Südosteuropa” (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”, HJS) deals with the preconditions, ideologies, and politics of the National Socialist, fascist, and communist regimes, as well as their ramifications before and after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc. One of the journal's areas of focus is the German population in and from East Central and South East Europe as well as the political, social, and cultural interdependencies on a regional, national, and transnational level. The program of the HJS is characterized by an adherence to rigorous academic practices, interdisciplinary perspectives, a culture of open exchange, as well as critical questioning of sources and traditional narratives.
The academic journal was incepted as “Halbjahresschrift für südosteuropäische Geschichte, Literatur und Politik” (“Semi-annual journal of Southeast European history, literature and politics”) in 1989. Until 2016 it was published by its founder Dr. Johann Böhm in the publication house of the Association for Critical Society Research (AkG). The IKGS at Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich has been publishing the journal since its 2017/2018 issue.