The Journal for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (JKGE) addresses current research questions on the culture and history of the Germans in Eastern Europe and examines how these are intertwined with different cultures, religions, languages, nations and states. The publication is characterized by an interdisciplinary and cross-epochal orientation. Annual, topic-specific editions are published online, are available via open access and are subject to a peer-review process. Each edition has a different area of focus and a different team of editors.
The Journal for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (JKGE) is an interdisciplinary and cross-epochal journal for culture and history of the Germans in Eastern Europe. From historical, art historical, ethnological, literary and linguistic perspectives, the annually published, topic-specific issues examine the interrelationships between the different cultures, religions, languages, nations and states in Eastern Europe. The focus is particularly on the Germans who formerly lived in these areas and, in some cases, still live there today.
The breadth of the thematic and conceptual spectrum is exemplified by the first planned issues. The first issue, to be published in 2020, will be devoted to "Educational Practices of the Enlightenment". It examines the specific conditions under which educational processes took place in the often pluricultural and multilingual regions of Eastern Europe. The focus is on questions of transfer, translation, networking, interference, non-simultaneity and ambivalence. The second edition, planned for 2021, will focus on a contemporary historical topic; it will deal with the observation of West German expellee associations by state institutions in Eastern Europe, analyzing the methods of information collection and evaluation.
From 2020, the journal will be published annually in open access. Each issue will have a different editing team, who will decide on and design the topic focus. The articles are reviewed using a double-blind peer review process. It continues the yearbook of the BKGE, which was published from 1993 to 2018.
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