Digital sources relating to the history of East Central Europe in open access. The online edition of "Documents and Materials on the History of East Central Europe" of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe presents materials and sources on selected topics related to the history of East Central Europe in digital form.
With approximately thirty individual modules to date, central themes and events in the history of the Baltic States, 
deu. Polen, pol. Polska

Poland is a state in Central Eastern Europe and is home to approximately 38 million people. The country is the sixth largest member state of the European Union. The capital and biggest city of Poland is Warsaw. Poland is made up of 16 voivodships. The largest river in the country is the Vistula (Polish: Wisła).

ukr. Ukrajina, deu. Ukraine

Ukraine is a country in eastern Europe inhabited by about 42 million people. Kiev is the capital and also the greatest city of Ukraine. The country has been independent since 1991. The Dnieper River is the longest river in Ukraine.

, the 
ces. Česko, deu. Tschechien

The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe with a population of about 10.5 million people. The capital and largest city of the country is Prague. In the Czech Republic lie the historical landscapes of Bohemia, Moravia and parts of Silesia. In 1918 the state of Czechoslovakia was formed, but the Czech Republic was not founded until 1993. The country has been a member of the EU since 01.05.2004.

slk. Slovensko, deu. Slowakei

Slovakia is a country in Central Europe, which is lived in by about 5.5 million people. The capital of the country is Bratislava (Pressburg). Slovakia has been independent since 1993. Before that it was part of Czechoslovakia for several decades.

 are made accessible with the help of an extensive selection of representative sources. These include important texts and documents in transcription and facsimile as well as translations, maps, image sources and statistical material. The sources are supplemented and classified with the help of well-founded introductions, selective bibliographies and chronological overviews and aids. Numerous topics from the Middle Ages to the late 20th century are covered. Many sources are presented here for the first time in German translation – together with their original language version. The entire edition is bilingual.
The thematic modules are written and reviewed by historians who are recognized experts in their fields; in selecting sources, aspects of religion and everyday life have been taken into consideration in addition to generic historical and political topics. This standardized and structured Open Access service is primarily geared towards academic teaching, but is also accessible to anyone (scholars, journalists, etc.) who are interested in the topics. 
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