The German Culture Forum for Central and Eastern Europe works to promote cross-border communication of German culture and the history of Eastern Europe in the form of events, exhibitions, and both printed and digital publications.
In cooperation with selected partners from Eastern Europe, the German Culture Forum for Central and Eastern Europe facilitates education and communication concerning the cultural history and present of the regions of Central and Eastern Europe in which Germans have lived or continue to live today to a broad public in Germany and abroad. The program includes panel discussions, readings, lectures, theme evenings, traveling exhibitions, award ceremonies, film screenings, concerts and workshops. The Potsdam Library of Eastern Europe publishes non-fiction books and cultural travel guides. With its magazines "Blickwechsel" and "Kulturkorrespondenz östliches Europa", the Kulturforum presents the rich facets of German culture and history in Eastern Europe in an up-to-date and visually appealing way. Films, video and audio recordings on the subject area as well as references to both analog and digital resources can be accessed under, on the Facebook and Instagram page, as well as via the YouTube and Spotify channel of the Cultural Forum. The Kulturforum sees itself as a mediator between East and West, between academia and the public, between institutions and individual initiatives.