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Document repository
Electronic Reading Room (eL) of the Martin Opitz Library
Would you like to browse selected holdings of the Martin Opitz Library from your own PC? In the MOB's electronic reading room, you will find thousands of digitized documents – from historical address books to monographs, journals and much more.
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Object story
Farewell after 500 years
A document in the Silesian Museum in Görlitz testifies to the acquisition of the village of Gleinitz by the brothers Nikolaus, Georg and Ladislaus von Niebelschütz in 1446. It was only by chance that the descendent of the Niebelschütz family, Harald von Niebelschütz, then 15 years old, saved the document in 1945 and donated it to the museum in 2017.
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Research institute
Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe
The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) advises and supports the Federal Government in all matters concerning the research, presentation and development of German culture and history in Eastern Europe.
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Förderstipendien des Adalbert Stifter Vereins (Funded Fellowships of the Adalbert Stifter Association)
Do you deal with the culture and history of Germans in the Czech Lands, especially their interaction with Czech culture and other cultures of this region? If so, you can apply for a scholarship of the Adalbert Stifter Association.
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Für, mit und gegen Napoleon. Revolution, Reform oder Restauration
So sehr die Ära Napoleon ein Stück gesamteuropäische Geschichte ist, so sehr unterscheiden sich die Überlieferungen und Deutungen dieser Zeit in den einzelnen europäischen Staaten. Eine Doppelausstellung befasst sich mit den Ereignissen in Schlesien, den Hintergründen und der Historiographie...
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German-Polish Museum Forum
German-Polish dialogue on museum exhibition and education work – HAUS SCHLESIEN offers German and Polish museum experts a forum for discussion and cross-border exchange through its curators' conferences.
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Museum | Collection | Library
HAUS SCHLESIEN is all about versatility! In the heart of the Siebengebirge you will discover a place that is not only peaceful, comfortable and atmospheric, but also an international meeting place and educational center where the culture of remembrance comes alive. On site, across Germany and...
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Herder Fellowship for doctoral candidates and postdocs
A scholarship for intensive source research in the scientific collections of the Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Central Europe, an institute of the Leibniz Association.
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Research fellowship | Support of conferences
Herder Fellowship for experts in historical research on East Central Europe
A research fellowship for proven experts who can carry out their research project for up to three months directly at the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern Central Europe in Marburg.
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Scientific infrastructure facility | Research institute
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
The Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI) is one of the central non-university infrastructure and research institutions for historical research on East Central Europe in Germany.
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Holdings and collections of the Danube Swabian Museum
From a refugee’s suitcase to a popcorn maker, from the jacket of a forced laborer to a perennial Christmas tree: the holdings of the Danube Swabian Museum convey Danube-Swabian culture and history in a multifarious and eclectic way. An unexpected and special feature of the collection is that many...
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Image database
Image catalogue of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association
In the online database of the Image Archive you will find the previously inventoried and digitized image materials from the collections of the Herder Institute as well as additional image sources from joint indexing and digitization projects with cooperation partners. Further analog and digital...
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Map and text
In Copernicus’ name
These days, there are a whole host of organizations in Poland, Germany, and the USA bearing the name Copernicus. Although they all relate to the same historical person, they have quite different goals.
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Research institute | Archive | Library
Institute for German Culture and History in South-Eastern Europe
Europe – a region that is more than the sum of its parts. Migration and the constant exchange between its inhabitants have been and still are of utmost importance to the creation of a European relationship history. The Institute for German Culture and History in South-Eastern Europe (IKGS) is...
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Research project
Interethnische Beziehungen im regionalen Kontext (“Interethnic Relations in a Regional Context”)
Over the centuries, Romanians, Hungarians and Germans have shaped the history and culture of Transylvania. Dr. Enikő Dácz at the Institute for German Culture and History in South-eastern Europe (IKGS) is researching how this interethnic coexistence was portrayed in the press in the early 20th...
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Interpretive Knowledge and Russia’s War of Aggression against Ukraine
Russia's full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine poses new research challenges in the humanities and social sciences. Given the low level of knowledge about the background of the current war, politics, media, and the society as a whole are facing significant challenges to deliver orientation...
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Jahresheft des Siebenbürgischen Museums Gundelsheim (Annual journal of the Transylvanian Museum Gundelsheim)
The Transylvanian Museum Gundelsheim regularly publishes an annual magazine, which reports on current research and exhibition projects as well as the general museum work.
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Digitalization project
Jewish German Bukovina 1918+
"Jewish-German Bukovina 1918+" is a digitization project of the Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe and offers free access to historical and contemporary documents from Bukovina or related to Bukovina. The time period ranges from the end of the First World War to the present.
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Klosterdämmerung ("The Twilight of the Monastery") – Part I
In the Kingdom of Prussia, the abolition of all monasteries in 1810 meant a decisive historical turning point. The first part of the exhibition project "Klosterdämmerung" ("The Twilight of the Monastery") shows the historical development of the seven Silesian Cistercian monasteries from the Middle...
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Klosterdämmerung ("The Twilight of the Monastery") – Part II (Leubus)
In the Kingdom of Prussia, the abolition of all monasteries in 1810 meant a decisive historical turning point. The second part of the exhibition project "Klosterdämmerung" ("The Twilight of the Monastery") shows the historical development of the oldest of the seven Silesian Cistercian monasteries...
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