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Publication project | Conference project | Research project
300 Years Immanuel Kant (1724–2024)
2024 marks the 300th anniversary of the birthday of Immanuel Kant, the philosopher from Königsberg. In preparation for the Year of Kant 2024, the BKGE is coordinating and organizing numerous activities around the topic of Immanuel Kant
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Background article
Abraham Hannibal
Abraham Petrovič Hannibal (circa 1696-1781) was a central figure during the early stages of the African Diaspora in Russia. He was one of the first Russian Enlightenment thinkers and the great-grandfather of the most important poet and creator of the modern Russian language, Alexander Pushkin.
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Arbeitsberichte ("Work Reports")
Summaries and descriptions of individual holdings of the Martin Opitz Library are published in the Arbeitsberichte ("Work reports") series.
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Online publication
Archive Treasure of the Month
Between 2007 and 2018, the Document Collection of the Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe (DSHI) presented each month a particularly attractive or interesting archival document of general historical or political significance, as well as personal documents or...
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Archive | Collection | Museum
Art Forum East German Gallery ("Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie")
The Art Forum East German Gallery (KOG) is an art museum with an outstanding collection ranging from Romanticism to Modernism and a unique focus on art creation in Eastern Europe. Here you can discover paintings, sculptures and graphic art by German artists who lived and worked in the region...
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Online database
Central Description of the Collections of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association (ZBB)
Everything at a glance: The Central Description of the Collections of the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern and Central Europe provides a structured overview of the analog and digital collection holdings available at the institute and links to catalogs and inventory databases.
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Collection of the East Prussian State museum with a Baltic German Department
The East Prussian State Museum (OL) is the central collection point for cultural heritage objects from East Prussia and the Baltic States, but its library also houses over 15,000 relevant titles relating to the area.
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Library holdings
Collection of the Martin Opitz Library
The Martin Opitz Library is the central library for German culture and history in Eastern Europe. It collects literature from all areas of East-Central, Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. The main focus of the collections is on the regions that today form western Poland and the Kaliningrad region –...
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Library holdings | Archive
Collections and holdings of the Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie
With its collection and in-house art library, including an artists’ archive, the Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie (KOG) pursues a unique mission within Germany: to preserve, communicate and research the artistic heritage of the formerly German-influenced areas in Central, Eastern and Southeastern...
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Archive | Holding | Library holdings
Collections and holdings of the Museum for Russian-German Cultural History
At the Museum for Russian-German Cultural History (MrK) you will find everything important about Russian-German culture and history! The numerous holdings in the library, collection and archive offer interested visitors both a thematic introduction and the opportunity for further research or...
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Complete collection of research materials of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association
The Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association is home to an extensive and diverse range of collections relating to East Central Europe, including a library with a music and press collection together with an image archive and a document and...
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Cultural office
Cultural Office for East Prussia and the Baltic States
Teaching the culture of East Prussia and the Baltic States and making it an experience, motivating people to exchange their ideas, building bridges between generations and centuries.
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Cultural office
Cultural Office for Russian Germans
Who are the Russian Germans? What were their experiences in the Soviet Union? How has their integration in Germany taken shape in the past and how is it continuing to evolve today? Russian-German repatriates are one of the largest migrant groups in Germany. Nevertheless, the majority of the...
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Cultural history seminar
The cultural history seminar of the Cultural Office for Russian-Germans is devoted to important questions: How do scientifically based projects on topics concerning the Russian-German minority or the (late) repatriates in Germany, which also have relevance to the broader public, come about? What...
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Data Are Never Neutral
Data are never objective and free from bias or ideological convictions, just like historical sources. Data convey conflicts, hegemonies, and colonialisms. In his latest article, our author Peter Haslinger argues for bringing the epistemic baggage of data and data structures into the focus of digital...
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Research project
Deutsche Minderheiten im östlichen Europa (German minorities in Eastern Europe)
Why was the political representative of the German minority in Romania elected President in 2014? How do the German minorities in Russia and Poland influence Berlin's relations with Moscow and Warsaw? The research and documentation project " Deutsche Minderheiten im östlichen Europa” (German...
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Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e. V. (DiFMOE) has been dedicated to researching and digitally indexing historical sources from Eastern Europe and operates a digital, freely accessible online library for their publication.
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Digital Library of the Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe
The Digital Forum Central and Eastern Europe e.V. (DiFMOE) has been operating a digital, freely accessible specialized library with historical documents on Eastern Europe since 2008. In the middle of 2023, its holdings of periodicals included 254 titles, encompassing newspapers, magazines and annual...
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Documentation center
Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The Documentation Center offers exhibitions, a library and a testimony archive, tours, workshops and events. The Center provides information about the causes, dimensions and consequences of displacement, expulsion and forced migration in the past and present. Particular focus is on the displacement...
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series of seminars
Educational partnership between the Martin Opitz Library and Mulvany Vocational College in Herne
The Martin Opitz Library teaches media competence. Both successful information research and a critical approach to media are becoming increasingly important, whether at school, university, work or in private life. In order to impart these skills successfully and practically, the MOB cooperates...
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