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Authors Reading
Exquisite East Prussia
“Erlesenes Ostpreußen” (Exquisite East Prussia) is the name of the new video series by the Cultural Advisor for East Prussia and the Baltic States. The videos present literature from and about East Prussia und will be made available on the Youtube channel of the East Prussian State Museum.
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Research institute
Federal Institute for Culture and History of Eastern Europe
The Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (BKGE) advises and supports the Federal Government in all matters concerning the research, presentation and development of German culture and history in Eastern Europe.
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Fernweh ("Yearning for afar")
In the exhibition "Fernweh" ("Yearning for Afar") you can let your imagination take wing and transport you to far-off places. Here you will discover sun, beaches and the ocean, but also unknown and mysterious landscapes. As the subtitle “From Jugendstil to contemporary photography” promises,...
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project funding
General project funding by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media in accordance with Section 96 of the Federal Expellees Act
You would like to contribute to the research, preservation or communication of the German cultural heritage in Eastern Europe? The BKM supports, among other things, research projects, conferences, publications, theater, film and exhibition productions. It also supports projects to promote cultural...
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Research project
German-Lithuanian Years: Caesuras in the Relations between Germany and Lithuania in the 20th Century
Germany and Lithuania have little in common if we look at the two countries from a political and economic perspective. One is a heavyweight of the European Union, the other one of its smallest members. And yet there have always been moments when relations between the central European power and the...
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Halbjahresschrift für Geschichte und Zeitgeschehen in Zentral- und Südosteuropa (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”)
Now with a new publisher, the "Halbjahresschrift" (“Biannual Journal for History and Culture in Central and South East Europe”, HJS) is back! But its purpose remains the same: The systematic and academic examination of authoritarian regimes in Central and South East Europe and their...
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Herder Fellowship for doctoral candidates and postdocs
A scholarship for intensive source research in the scientific collections of the Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on Eastern Central Europe, an institute of the Leibniz Association.
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Research fellowship | Support of conferences
Herder Fellowship for experts in historical research on East Central Europe
A research fellowship for proven experts who can carry out their research project for up to three months directly at the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern Central Europe in Marburg.
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Scientific infrastructure facility | Research institute
Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
The Marburg Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe - Institute of the Leibniz Association (HI) is one of the central non-university infrastructure and research institutions for historical research on East Central Europe in Germany.
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Holdings and collections of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation
The scientific library of the Documentation Center for Displacement, Expulsion, Reconciliation includes German and foreign language books, newspapers and magazines as well as digital media on the topic of forced migrations in the 20th and 21st centuries in Europe. In addition to a contemporary...
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IKGS-Buchreihe (“IKGS book series”)
Anyone with a deep interest in the Danube-Carpathian region and all its aspects should consider taking a look at the book series of the IKGS. Its monographies and anthologies set the stage for an international dialog about German culture and history, art, and literature in, from, and about East,...
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Image database
Image catalogue of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe – Institute of the Leibniz Association
In the online database of the Image Archive you will find the previously inventoried and digitized image materials from the collections of the Herder Institute as well as additional image sources from joint indexing and digitization projects with cooperation partners. Further analog and digital...
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Immanuel Kant Scholarship
The fellowship is aimed at doctoral students working on transnational and transcultural references or interconnections in Eastern Europe from the Middle Ages to the present, with a special focus on the German-speaking population.
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Summer school
International and Interdisciplinary Summer Academies
Every year, younger scholars are invited to the Herder Institute for Research on Eastern and Central European History in Marburg to participate in the Summer Academies for an intensive exchange of methods and content.
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Journal for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe
The Journal for Culture and History of the Germans in Eastern Europe (JKGE) addresses current research questions on the culture and history of the Germans in Eastern Europe and examines how these are intertwined with different cultures, religions, languages, nations and states. The publication is...
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Journal of East Central European Studies
The bilingual Journal of East Central European Studies (ZfO), published by an international editorial board at the Herder Institute, is one of the most renowned specialist organs for historical research on East Central Europe. It is published quarterly in open access and features scholarly articles...
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Library catalog | Bibliographic database
Library and Bibliography Portal of the Herder Institute for Historical Research on East Central Europe
Research using our portal with access to one million items of data on history literature, literature and culture of East Central Europe.
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Library holdings
Library of the Federal Institute for Culture and History of the Eastern Europe
The special library of the BKGE, which is open to the public, currently contains about 62,000 books and 990 periodicals (including about 100 current periodicals and 180 in Eastern European languages).
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Art prize
Lovis Corinth Prize
Every two years, the KOG awards the Lovis Corinth Prize, worth € 10,000, to visual artists. The basis for this award is an internationally significant body of work that has been created in affiliation with or as a reflection of contemporary art in Eastern Europe.
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M.K. Ciurlionis (1875-1911)
Enter a cosmic universe created by the symbiosis of both art and music. Lithuanian composer and artist, M. K. Ciurlionis, used this intentional association of art with music and vice-versa to create a sensation that goes beyond the medium of art or music to engender a Lithuanian national cultural revolution at the turn of the 20th century.
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